GemBox.Document Namespace
Contains classes, structures, enumerations and interfaces which constitute GemBox.Document object model.
AlignmentTab | Represents an alignment tab, also called an absolute position tab (ptab). |
Block | Represents a base class for all block elements - Paragraph, Table and TableOfEntries. |
BlockCollection | Represents a collection of a Block derived elements. |
Bookmark | Represents the bookmark (pair of BookmarkStart and BookmarkEnd elements). |
BookmarkCollection | Represents a collection of Bookmarks. |
BookmarkEnd | Represents the end of a bookmark. |
BookmarkStart | Represents the start of a bookmark. |
BuiltInDocumentPropertiesDictionary | Represents a dictionary that contains BuiltInDocumentProperty key and System.String value pairs. |
CharacterFonts | Represents the detailed description of fonts which shall be used to display the text of the run. |
CharacterFormat | Represents a set of formatting properties which shall be applied to a document text. |
CharacterStyle | Represents a style which can be applied to a Run, Hyperlink or Field elements. |
Chart | Represents a chart. |
ComHelper | Contains methods that can be useful for users which are calling GemBox.Document component using COM interop. |
Comment | Represents a comment that is anchored to a region of document content. |
CommentCollection | Represents a collection of Comments. |
CommentEnd | Represents the end of a comment. |
CommentStart | Represents the start of a comment. |
ComponentInfo | Contains static licensing methods and diagnostic information about executing GemBox.Document assembly. |
Content | Represents an arbitrary content that is either embedded in or linked to the document file. |
ContentPosition | Represents a position within a DocumentModel. |
ContentRange | Represents a contiguous area in a document between two ContentPositions. |
CustomDocumentPropertiesDictionary | Represents a dictionary that contains System.String key and System.Object value pairs. |
CustomXmlPart | Represents a custom XML part within a document that contains arbitrary custom XML markup. |
CustomXmlPartCollection | Represents a collection of CustomXmlParts. |
DictionaryBase<TKey, TValue> | Provides a base class for generic dictionary. |
DigitalSignatureSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores details for signing a document with a digital signature. |
DocLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for Microsoft Word 97-2003 (DOC) format. |
DocumentModel | Represents a document. |
DocumentModelPage | Represents a document page. |
DocumentModelPaginator | Provides a functionality to paginate the document content. |
DocumentProperties | Contains a dictionaries of built-in and custom document properties. |
DocumentProtection | Represents a set of document protection restrictions which have been applied to the contents of a document. |
DocumentSettings | Represents stored preferences which shall be used when processing the contents of the document. |
DocxDigitalSignatureSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores details for signing a document saved to DOCX file with a digital signature. |
DocxLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for Microsoft Word (DOCX) format. |
DocxSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores saving options for Microsoft Word file. |
Element | Represents a base class for all document elements. |
ElementCollection | Represents a base non-generic class for Element collections. |
ElementCollection<T> | Represents a base generic class for Element collections. |
Field | Provides a mechanism for placeholders, such as page reference numbers, which can be added to a document such that those placeholders are replaced by their corresponding values when the document is rendered for display or print. |
FloatingLayout | Represents a floating Layout which is used to embed document element in a page outside of the main content flow. Main content flow is usually wrapped around embedded element. |
FontFile | Represents a font file either on the disk or in the memory. |
FontFileSelectionEventArgs | Provides data for the FontSelection event. |
FontInfo | Represents a font used in the document. |
FontInfoCollection | Represents a collection of FontInfos in this document. |
FontSettings | Contains font related settings which are used when printing, importing or exporting a document to a file format that requires font information. |
Format | Represents a base class for all formats. |
FormCheckBoxData | Represents a form related data associated with the parent FormCheckBox field within the document. |
FormDropDownData | Represents a form related data associated with the parent FormDropDown field within the document. |
FormFieldData | Represents a form related data associated with the parent form field within the document. |
FormFieldDataCollection | Represents a collection of FormFieldData instances associated with form fields from a particular part of document content. |
FormTextData | Represents a form related data associated with the parent FormText field within the document. |
FreeLimitEventArgs | Provides data for the FreeLimitReached event. |
FreeLimitReachedException | Exception that occurs when free limit is reached. |
HeaderFooter | Represent a header / footer for the parent Section. |
HeaderFooterCollection | Represents a collection of HeaderFooter elements. |
HtmlLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format. |
HtmlSaveOptions | Represents options for saving to HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format. |
Hyperlink | Represents an Inline that can be used to create a link to an external resource or to a Bookmark inside a document. |
HyphenationOptions | Represents the hyphenation options for the DocumentModel. |
ImageSaveOptions | Represents a class which stores saving options for image files. |
ImportMapping | Represents a mapping of styles (and other referenced objects) from source document to destination document when importing elements between two different DocumentModel instances. |
Inline | Represents a base class for all inline elements, like Run, DrawingElement, Hyperlink, Field, BookmarkStart, BookmarkEnd, SpecialCharacter and PreservedInline. |
InlineCollection | Represents a collection of Inline derived elements. |
InlineLayout | Represents an in-line Layout which is used to embed document element in the current line of the main content flow. |
Layout | Represents a base class for specifying element's layout properties, such as position and size. |
LengthUnitConverter | Utility class used for converting values between various LengthUnit measurement units. |
LicenseException | Exception that occurs when licensing information is not correctly specified. |
ListFormat | Represents list format which shall be applied to the contents of the parent paragraph. |
ListItem | Represents content which prefixes numbered paragraph (Paragraph for which IsList is true). |
ListLevelFormat | Represents formatting definition which specifies the appearance and behavior of a list level. A list level contains a set of properties for the display of the numbering for a given list level. |
ListLevelFormatCollection | Represents a read-only collection of list level formatting. |
ListStyle | Represents a list style which can be applied to one or more Paragraphs within document content. |
LoadOptions | Represents a base class for loading options of various file formats. |
MultiContentRange | Represents an area in a document between multiple start and end ContentPositions. |
MultipleBorders | Represents a set of borders. |
Note | Represents a footnote or an endnote in the document. |
NoteSettings | Represents the footnote or endnote options of a DocumentModel or Section. |
OdtLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for Open Document (ODT) format. |
OdtSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores saving options for Open Document file. |
OleObject | Represents an OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object embedded or linked within a document. |
OperationProgressChangedEventArgs | Provides data for events that track the progress of an operation, such as loading and saving of a document. |
PageBorders | Represents a set of page borders. |
PageMargins | Represents page margins. |
PageSetup | Represents the page setup properties of a Section. |
PaginatorOptions | Represents options used to specify which parts of the document to update while paginating it and which pages of the document should be returned in the paginator. |
Paragraph | Represents a paragraph of content in the document. |
ParagraphFormat | Represents a set of paragraph formatting properties which shall be applied to the contents of the parent paragraph. |
ParagraphStyle | Represents a style which can be applied to one or more Paragraphs within a document content. |
PdfDigitalSignatureSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores details for signing a document saved to a Portable Document Format (PDF) with a digital signature. |
PdfLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for Portable Document Format (PDF). |
PdfSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores saving options for Portable Document Format (PDF) file. |
Picture | Represents a picture. |
PictureWatermark | Represents the picture watermark that appears behind the document content. |
PreservedInline | Represents an Inline element that is loaded from a file and is not directly supported by GemBox.Document API. |
PrintOptions | Specifies information about how a document is printed. |
ResourceLoadingEventArgs | Provides data for the ResourceLoading event. |
RtfLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for Rich Text (RTF) format. |
RtfSaveOptions | Represents options for saving to Rich Text (RTF) format. |
Run | Represents a region of text with a common set of properties. |
SaveOptions | Represents a base class for saving options of various file formats. |
Section | Represents a group of Paragraphs and other Block derived elements that have a specific set of properties used to define the pages on which the text will appear, as well as other section-level properties. |
SectionCollection | Represents a collection of Section elements. |
SpecialCharacter | Represents a character, such as break or tab, which shall be placed at the current location in the document content. |
Style | Represents a style. |
StyleCollection | Represents a collection of Styles. |
TableOfEntries | Represents a Table of Entries field, such as Table of Contents, Table of Figures, Table of Authorities, Index or Bibliography. |
TabStopCollection | Represents a set of TabStops. |
TextBox | Represents a Shape which serves as a container for Block elements which are outside page main content flow. |
TextColumn | Represents a column in a Section. |
TextColumnCollection | Represents a collection of TextColumns in a Section. |
TextWatermark | Represents the text watermark that appears behind the document content. |
TxtLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for plain text (TXT) format. |
TxtSaveOptions | Represents options for saving to plain text (TXT) format. |
VariablesDictionary | Represents a dictionary that contains System.String key and System.String value pairs. |
ViewOptions | Represents the view options for the DocumentModel. Supported only in DOCX and DOC formats and partially in PDF format. |
Watermark | Represents the watermark that appears behind the document content. |
WpfHelper | Provides helper methods for dealing with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) dispatcherresource leaks in multithreaded applications. |
WriteProtection | Represents the write protection options for the DocumentModel. Supported only in DOCX and DOC formats. |
XmlLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for XML format, currently Flat OPC XML and WordML formats are supported. Flat OPC XML file can be created in MS Word by using "Word XML Document (*.xml)" as a save format. WordML XML file can be created in MS Word by using "Word 2003 XML Document (*.xml)" as a save format. |
XmlSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores saving options for XML file. The only XML format that GemBox.Document currently supports is Flat OPC XML format. |
XpsSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores saving options for XML Paper Specification (XPS) file. |
Color | Represents a color. |
HorizontalPosition | Represents a horizontal positioning which can be expressed with HorizontalPositionType enumeration or System.Double value. |
Padding | Represents the space between the element border and the element content. |
RelativePadding | Represents the relative space between the element border and the element content. |
RelativeRectangle | Specifies the relative rectangle. |
SingleBorder | Represents a single border around a document element. |
Size | A structure used to describe the size of an object. |
TabStop | Represents a single custom tab stop within a set of custom tab stops applied at Tabs property. |
VerticalPosition | Represents a vertical positioning which can be expressed with VerticalPositionType enumeration or System.Double value. |
WpfHelper.DispatcherShutdowner | Represents the Dispatcher instance associated with the current thread and provides a means to shut it down if it was IsDispatcherNewlyCreated before the current thread terminates, thus preventing the resource leak. |
IContentElement | Represents an Element that can contain other Elements underneath itself. |
BorderStyle | Specifies line style for a border. |
BuiltInDocumentProperty | Enumeration of available built-in document properties. |
ChartGrouping | Represents the grouping of a chart series for each category in a chart. |
ChartType | Represents a chart type. |
DocxFormat | An enumeration of Microsoft Word file formats. |
EditingRestrictionType | Represents a possible set of editing restrictions which may be enforced on a given document. |
ElementType | Represents an element type enumeration. |
FieldType | Represents a field type that is used in defining Fields. |
FormTextType | Represents the possible types of the contents of a text box form field. |
FreeLimitReachedAction | Type of action that can be chosen when free limit is reached. |
GradientFillType | Represents a type of gradient fill. |
HeaderFooterType | Specifies the type of the HeaderFooter. |
HorizontalAlignment | Horizontal alignment. |
HorizontalPositionAnchor | Represents a horizontal position to which the parent object has been anchored in the document. This anchor position shall be used as the base location to determine the final horizontal position of the object in the document. |
HorizontalPositionType | Represents a set of possible relative horizontal positions for the parent floating element. This relative position is specified relative to the horizontal anchor specified by the parent HorizontalPosition. |
HtmlType | Defines the type of HTML. |
ImageSaveFormat | An enumeration of supported image file formats when saving a document's page to an image using a ImageSaveOptions. |
LengthUnit | Represents the measurement unit for measuring length or distance. |
LineNumberRestartSetting | Represents line number restart setting. |
LineSpacingRule | Specifies line spacing rule for a paragraph. |
ListTemplateType | Specifies one of the predefined list formats. |
ListTrailingCharacter | Specifies trailing character that will be inserted after the number. |
MultipleBorderTypes | Represents multiple border types. |
NoteLocation | Represents the note rendering location. |
NoteNumbering | Represents note numbering mode. |
NoteType | Represents Note type. |
NumberStyle | Represents the number style. |
OleUpdateMode | Specifies the update behavior for an OLE linked object. |
Orientation | Represents a page layout orientation. |
OutlineLevel | Specifies the outline level. |
PageVerticalAlignment | Specifies vertical alignment of text on each page in the section. |
PaperType | Specifies the paper type. |
PdfBookmarksCreateOptions | Options used for creating PDF bookmarks (outlines) when saving a document to a PDF file. |
PdfConformanceLevel | Represents levels of conformance for PDF documents. |
PdfLoadType | Specifies possible strategies for loading PDF files. |
PdfPermissions | Defines operations that are allowed to a user on an encrypted PDF document. |
PdfVersion | Represents the version of the PDF specification to which the PDF document conforms. |
PictureContentType | Represents a picture file format. |
PictureFormat | Represents the file format for an image contained in stream. |
PixelFormat | An enumeration of supported pixel formats when saving a DocumentModel to an image using an ImageSaveOptions. |
RectangleAlignment | Indicates how to position two rectangles relative to each other. |
RenderingMode | Defines the supported rendering modes. |
ResourceType | Represents the type of external resource. |
SectionStart | Represents a type of section start that is used in defining SectionStart. |
SingleBorderType | Represents single border type. |
SpecialCharacterType | Represents the type of the SpecialCharacter. |
StyleTemplateType | Type that determines predefined style. |
StyleType | Represents a style type enumeration. |
TabPositioningBase | Specifies the possible extents which can be used to calculate the absolute positioning of this positional tab character. |
TabStopAlignment | Represents the available alignments for custom TabStop, which determines the behavior of the TabStop and the alignment which shall be applied to text entered at the current custom TabStop. |
TabStopLeader | Represents the characters which may be used to fill in the space created by a tab which ends at this custom TabStop. The chosen character shall be repeated as required to completely fill the tab spacing generated by the tab character. |
TextAutoFit | Represents an enumeration of available text fitting options. |
TextDirection | Represents an enumeration of available text directions. |
TextWrappingStyle | Specifies how text is wrapped around a floating element. |
TiffCompression | An enumeration of supported compression schemes for Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) when saving a DocumentModel to an image using an ImageSaveOptions. |
UnderlineType | Represents the types of patterns which may be used to create the underline applied beneath the text in a Run. |
VerticalAlignment | Represents a vertical alignment for text or picture between the top and bottom margins of the parent element. |
VerticalPositionAnchor | Represents a vertical position to which the parent object has been anchored in the document. This anchor position shall be used as the base location to determine the final vertical position of the object in the document. |
VerticalPositionType | Represents a set of possible relative vertical positions for the parent floating element. This relative position is specified relative to the vertical anchor specified by the parent VerticalPosition. |
ViewType | Represent view type. |
WrapTextType | Specifies how text shall wrap around the object's left and right sides. |
XmlType | Defines the type of XML. |
ContentRangeEvaluator | Represents the method that is called for each ContentRange that is found during a Replace(Regex, ContentRangeEvaluator) method operation. |