Read Word Form Controls
The following example shows how you can read text, check-box, and drop-down form fields data using the GemBox.Document library.
using GemBox.Document;
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
// If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.
var document = DocumentModel.Load("%InputFileName%");
// Get a snapshot of all form fields in the document.
FormFieldDataCollection formFieldsData = document.Content.FormFieldsData;
Console.WriteLine($" {"Field type",-20} | {"Name",-20} | {"Value",-20} | {"Value type",-20} ");
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 88));
// Read type, name, value and value type of each form field in the document.
foreach (FormFieldData formFieldData in formFieldsData)
Type fieldType = formFieldData.GetType();
string fieldName = formFieldData.Name;
object fieldValue = formFieldData.Value;
Type valueType = fieldValue.GetType();
Console.WriteLine($" {fieldType.Name,-20} | {fieldName,-20} | {fieldValue,-20} | {valueType.FullName,-20} ");
Imports GemBox.Document
Imports System
Module Program
Sub Main()
' If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.
Dim document = DocumentModel.Load("%InputFileName%")
' Get a snapshot of all form fields in the document.
Dim formFieldsData As FormFieldDataCollection = document.Content.FormFieldsData
Console.WriteLine($" {"Field type",-20} | {"Name",-20} | {"Value",-20} | {"Value type",-20} ")
Console.WriteLine(New String("-"c, 88))
' Read type, name, value and value type of each form field in the document.
For Each formFieldData As FormFieldData In formFieldsData
Dim fieldType As Type = formFieldData.GetType()
Dim fieldName As String = formFieldData.Name
Dim fieldValue As Object = formFieldData.Value
Dim valueType As Type = fieldValue.GetType()
Console.WriteLine($" {fieldType.Name,-20} | {fieldName,-20} | {fieldValue,-20} | {valueType.FullName,-20} ")
End Sub
End Module

For convenience, GemBox.Document provides form values as objects of different types. The value type depends on the type of the field and, in the case of a FormText
field, on the value of FormTextData.TextType
. You can read more about this on the FormFieldData.Value