HeaderId Enum
An enumeration of standard MIME header identifiers.
Bcc | The |
Cc | The |
Comments | The |
ContentDescription | The |
ContentDisposition | The |
ContentId | The |
ContentTransferEncoding | The |
ContentType | The |
Custom | The custom header. |
Date | The |
DispositionNotificationTo | The |
Extension | The extension header. |
From | The |
InReplyTo | The |
Keywords | The |
MessageId | The |
Received | The |
References | The |
ReplyTo | The |
ResentBcc | The |
ResentCc | The |
ResentDate | The |
ResentFrom | The |
ResentMessageId | The |
ResentSender | The |
ResentTo | The |
ReturnPath | The |
ReturnReceiptTo | The |
Sender | The |
Subject | The |
To | The |
Version | The |