Get, create, or edit PDF interactive form actions
The following example shows how you can use GemBox.Pdf to edit and create buttons with interactive form field actions in C# and VB.NET. It also show to customize the button appearances.
using GemBox.Pdf;
using GemBox.Pdf.Annotations;
using GemBox.Pdf.Content;
using GemBox.Pdf.Forms;
class Program
static void Main()
// If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.
using (var document = PdfDocument.Load("%#Form.pdf%"))
// Update the action and label of the 'ResetButton' field so that only the 'Notes' field is reset.
var resetButtonField = (PdfButtonField)document.Form.Fields["ResetButton"];
var resetFormAction = (PdfResetFormAction)resetButtonField.Actions[0];
resetFormAction.SelectedFields.Excluded = false;
resetButtonField.Appearance.Label = "Reset Notes";
var bounds = resetButtonField.Bounds;
// Add an 'ImportButton' field with a label and icon that imports field values from the FDF (Forms Data Format) file.
var importButtonField = document.Form.Fields.AddButton(document.Pages[0], bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 80, 150, 60);
importButtonField.Name = "ImportButton";
var appearance = importButtonField.Appearance;
appearance.LabelPlacement = PdfTextPlacement.TextAboveIcon;
appearance.Label = "Import Data";
var icon = new PdfForm(document, new PdfSize(128, 128));
icon.Content.DrawImage(PdfImage.Load("%#import.png%"), new PdfPoint(0, 0), new PdfSize(128, 128));
appearance.Icon = icon;
bounds = importButtonField.Bounds;
// Add a 'SubmitButton' field with an icon that submits all field values to the URL in XFDF (XML Forms Data Format) format.
var submitButtonField = document.Form.Fields.AddButton(document.Pages[0], bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 60, 150, 40);
submitButtonField.Name = "SubmitButton";
var submitFormAction = submitButtonField.Actions.AddSubmitForm("");
submitFormAction.ExportFormat = PdfFormDataFormat.XFDF;
submitFormAction.SelectedFields.All = true;
appearance = submitButtonField.Appearance;
appearance.LabelPlacement = PdfTextPlacement.IconOnly;
icon = new PdfForm(document, new PdfSize(128, 128));
icon.Content.DrawImage(PdfImage.Load("%#submit.png%"), new PdfPoint(0, 0), new PdfSize(128, 128));
appearance.Icon = icon;
document.Save("Form Actions.pdf");
Imports GemBox.Pdf
Imports GemBox.Pdf.Annotations
Imports GemBox.Pdf.Content
Imports GemBox.Pdf.Forms
Module Program
Sub Main()
' If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.
Using document = PdfDocument.Load("%#Form.pdf%")
' Update the action and label of the 'ResetButton' field so that only the 'Notes' field is reset.
Dim resetButtonField = CType(document.Form.Fields("ResetButton"), PdfButtonField)
Dim resetFormAction = CType(resetButtonField.Actions(0), PdfResetFormAction)
resetFormAction.SelectedFields.Excluded = False
resetButtonField.Appearance.Label = "Reset Notes"
Dim bounds = resetButtonField.Bounds
' Add an 'ImportButton' field with a label and icon that imports field values from the FDF (Forms Data Format) file.
Dim importButtonField = document.Form.Fields.AddButton(document.Pages(0), bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 80, 150, 60)
importButtonField.Name = "ImportButton"
Dim appearance = importButtonField.Appearance
appearance.LabelPlacement = PdfTextPlacement.TextAboveIcon
appearance.Label = "Import Data"
Dim icon = New PdfForm(document, New PdfSize(128, 128))
icon.Content.DrawImage(PdfImage.Load("%#import.png%"), New PdfPoint(0, 0), New PdfSize(128, 128))
appearance.Icon = icon
bounds = importButtonField.Bounds
' Add a 'SubmitButton' field with an icon that submits all field values to the URL in XFDF (XML Forms Data Format) format.
Dim submitButtonField = document.Form.Fields.AddButton(document.Pages(0), bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 60, 150, 40)
submitButtonField.Name = "SubmitButton"
Dim submitFormAction = submitButtonField.Actions.AddSubmitForm("")
submitFormAction.ExportFormat = PdfFormDataFormat.XFDF
submitFormAction.SelectedFields.All = True
appearance = submitButtonField.Appearance
appearance.LabelPlacement = PdfTextPlacement.IconOnly
icon = New PdfForm(document, New PdfSize(128, 128))
icon.Content.DrawImage(PdfImage.Load("%#submit.png%"), New PdfPoint(0, 0), New PdfSize(128, 128))
appearance.Icon = icon
document.Save("Form Actions.pdf")
End Using
End Sub
End Module

Icons used in the example above are made by Freepik from