Get, create, or edit PDF interactive form actions

The following example shows how you can use GemBox.Pdf to edit and create buttons with interactive form field actions in C# and VB.NET. It also show to customize the button appearances.

using GemBox.Pdf;
using GemBox.Pdf.Annotations;
using GemBox.Pdf.Content;
using GemBox.Pdf.Forms;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.

        using (var document = PdfDocument.Load("%#Form.pdf%"))
            // Update the action and label of the 'ResetButton' field so that only the 'Notes' field is reset.
            var resetButtonField = (PdfButtonField)document.Form.Fields["ResetButton"];
            var resetFormAction = (PdfResetFormAction)resetButtonField.Actions[0];
            resetFormAction.SelectedFields.Excluded = false;
            resetButtonField.Appearance.Label = "Reset Notes";

            var bounds = resetButtonField.Bounds;

            // Add an 'ImportButton' field with a label and icon that imports field values from the FDF (Forms Data Format) file.
            var importButtonField = document.Form.Fields.AddButton(document.Pages[0], bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 80, 150, 60);
            importButtonField.Name = "ImportButton";
            var appearance = importButtonField.Appearance;
            appearance.LabelPlacement = PdfTextPlacement.TextAboveIcon;
            appearance.Label = "Import Data";
            var icon = new PdfForm(document, new PdfSize(128, 128));
            icon.Content.DrawImage(PdfImage.Load("%#import.png%"), new PdfPoint(0, 0), new PdfSize(128, 128));
            appearance.Icon = icon;

            bounds = importButtonField.Bounds;

            // Add a 'SubmitButton' field with an icon that submits all field values to the URL in XFDF (XML Forms Data Format) format.
            var submitButtonField = document.Form.Fields.AddButton(document.Pages[0], bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 60, 150, 40);
            submitButtonField.Name = "SubmitButton";
            var submitFormAction = submitButtonField.Actions.AddSubmitForm("");
            submitFormAction.ExportFormat = PdfFormDataFormat.XFDF;
            submitFormAction.SelectedFields.All = true;
            appearance = submitButtonField.Appearance;
            appearance.LabelPlacement = PdfTextPlacement.IconOnly;
            icon = new PdfForm(document, new PdfSize(128, 128));
            icon.Content.DrawImage(PdfImage.Load("%#submit.png%"), new PdfPoint(0, 0), new PdfSize(128, 128));
            appearance.Icon = icon;

            document.Save("Form Actions.pdf");
Imports GemBox.Pdf
Imports GemBox.Pdf.Annotations
Imports GemBox.Pdf.Content
Imports GemBox.Pdf.Forms

Module Program

    Sub Main()

        ' If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.

        Using document = PdfDocument.Load("%#Form.pdf%")

            ' Update the action and label of the 'ResetButton' field so that only the 'Notes' field is reset.
            Dim resetButtonField = CType(document.Form.Fields("ResetButton"), PdfButtonField)
            Dim resetFormAction = CType(resetButtonField.Actions(0), PdfResetFormAction)
            resetFormAction.SelectedFields.Excluded = False
            resetButtonField.Appearance.Label = "Reset Notes"

            Dim bounds = resetButtonField.Bounds

            ' Add an 'ImportButton' field with a label and icon that imports field values from the FDF (Forms Data Format) file.
            Dim importButtonField = document.Form.Fields.AddButton(document.Pages(0), bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 80, 150, 60)
            importButtonField.Name = "ImportButton"
            Dim appearance = importButtonField.Appearance
            appearance.LabelPlacement = PdfTextPlacement.TextAboveIcon
            appearance.Label = "Import Data"
            Dim icon = New PdfForm(document, New PdfSize(128, 128))
            icon.Content.DrawImage(PdfImage.Load("%#import.png%"), New PdfPoint(0, 0), New PdfSize(128, 128))
            appearance.Icon = icon

            bounds = importButtonField.Bounds

            ' Add a 'SubmitButton' field with an icon that submits all field values to the URL in XFDF (XML Forms Data Format) format.
            Dim submitButtonField = document.Form.Fields.AddButton(document.Pages(0), bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 60, 150, 40)
            submitButtonField.Name = "SubmitButton"
            Dim submitFormAction = submitButtonField.Actions.AddSubmitForm("")
            submitFormAction.ExportFormat = PdfFormDataFormat.XFDF
            submitFormAction.SelectedFields.All = True
            appearance = submitButtonField.Appearance
            appearance.LabelPlacement = PdfTextPlacement.IconOnly
            icon = New PdfForm(document, New PdfSize(128, 128))
            icon.Content.DrawImage(PdfImage.Load("%#submit.png%"), New PdfPoint(0, 0), New PdfSize(128, 128))
            appearance.Icon = icon

            document.Save("Form Actions.pdf")
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module
Buttons with interactive form field actions created using GemBox.Pdf
Screenshot of buttons with interactive form field actions created using GemBox.Pdf

Icons used in the example above are made by Freepik from

See also

Next steps

GemBox.Pdf is a .NET component that enables developers to read, merge and split PDF files or execute low-level object manipulations from .NET applications in a simple and efficient way.

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