Read PDF interactive form fields

The following example demonstrates how you can enumerate all interactive form fields and read their name, type, and value. In GemBox.Pdf, interactive form is represented with PdfInteractiveForm class and all field types share the same PdfField base class.

The following example demonstrates how you can enumerate all interactive form fields and read their name, type, and value using GemBox.Pdf.

Upload your file (Drag file here)
using GemBox.Pdf;
using GemBox.Pdf.Forms;
using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.

        using (var document = PdfDocument.Load("%InputFileName%"))
            Console.WriteLine(" Field Name      | Field Type      | Field Value ");
            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 50));

            foreach (var field in document.Form.Fields)
                string value = (field.Value ?? string.Empty).ToString().Replace("\r", ", ");
                Console.WriteLine($" {field.Name,-15} | {field.FieldType,-15} | {value}");
Imports GemBox.Pdf
Imports GemBox.Pdf.Forms
Imports System

Module Program

    Sub Main()

        ' If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.

        Using document = PdfDocument.Load("%InputFileName%")
            Console.WriteLine(" Field Name      | Field Type      | Field Value ")
            Console.WriteLine(New String("-"c, 50))

            For Each field In document.Form.Fields
                Dim value As String = (If(field.Value, String.Empty)).ToString().Replace(vbCr, ", ")
                Console.WriteLine($" {field.Name,-15} | {field.FieldType,-15} | {value}")
        End Using

    End Sub

End Module
PDF interactive form fields read with GemBox.Pdf
Screenshot of PDF interactive form fields read with GemBox.Pdf

Note that multiple PdfField instances can have the same name, which means that these fields are grouped and represent the same interactive form field. The most common case is for PdfRadioButtonField, each radio button of the same name represents a different value you can select within one interactive form field.

Field Properties and Exportable Values

This example shows how you can read additional field properties in a PDF document and how to read exportable values or choices for fields with the same name.

using GemBox.Pdf;
using GemBox.Pdf.Forms;
using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.

        using (var document = PdfDocument.Load("%#FormFilled.pdf%"))
            Console.WriteLine(" Field Name                         | Field Data ");
            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 50));

            foreach (var field in document.Form.Fields)
                switch (field.FieldType)
                    case PdfFieldType.RadioButton:
                        var radioButton = (PdfRadioButtonField)field;
                        Console.Write($" {radioButton.Name,12} [PdfRadioButtonField] | ");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{radioButton.Choice} [{(radioButton.Checked ? "Checked" : "Unchecked")}]");

                    case PdfFieldType.CheckBox:
                        var checkBox = (PdfCheckBoxField)field;
                        Console.Write($" {checkBox.Name,15} [PdfCheckBoxField] | ");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{checkBox.ExportValue} [{(checkBox.Checked ? "Checked" : "Unchecked")}]");

                    case PdfFieldType.Dropdown:
                        var dropdown = (PdfDropdownField)field;
                        Console.Write($" {dropdown.Name,15} [PdfDropdownField] | ");

                    case PdfFieldType.ListBox:
                        var listBox = (PdfListBoxField)field;
                        Console.Write($" {listBox.Name,16} [PdfListBoxField] | ");
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", listBox.SelectedItems));
Imports GemBox.Pdf
Imports GemBox.Pdf.Forms
Imports System

Module Program

    Sub Main()

        ' If using the Professional version, put your serial key below.

        Using document = PdfDocument.Load("%#FormFilled.pdf%")
            Console.WriteLine(" Field Name                         | Field Data ")
            Console.WriteLine(New String("-"c, 50))

            For Each field In document.Form.Fields

                Select Case field.FieldType

                    Case PdfFieldType.RadioButton
                        Dim radioButton = CType(field, PdfRadioButtonField)
                        Console.Write($" {radioButton.Name,12} [PdfRadioButtonField] | ")
                        Console.WriteLine($"{radioButton.Choice} [{If(radioButton.Checked, "Checked", "Unchecked")}]")

                    Case PdfFieldType.CheckBox
                        Dim checkBox = CType(field, PdfCheckBoxField)
                        Console.Write($" {checkBox.Name,15} [PdfCheckBoxField] | ")
                        Console.WriteLine($"{checkBox.ExportValue} [{If(checkBox.Checked, "Checked", "Unchecked")}]")

                    Case PdfFieldType.Dropdown
                        Dim dropdown = CType(field, PdfDropdownField)
                        Console.Write($" {dropdown.Name,15} [PdfDropdownField] | ")

                    Case PdfFieldType.ListBox
                        Dim listBox = CType(field, PdfListBoxField)
                        Console.Write($" {listBox.Name,16} [PdfListBoxField] | ")
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Join(", ", listBox.SelectedItems))

                End Select

        End Using

    End Sub
End Module
Toggle button fields and choice fields read with GemBox.Pdf
Screenshot of other properties in toggle button fields and choice fields

See also

Next steps

GemBox.Pdf is a .NET component that enables developers to read, merge and split PDF files or execute low-level object manipulations from .NET applications in a simple and efficient way.

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