Supported File Formats
GemBox.Presentation supports multiple file formats with a varying degree of support.
Read and write
- Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (PPTX).
Read only
- Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation (PPT).
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
Write only
- Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
- Microsoft XML Paper Specification (XPS).
- Image formats (SVG, PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, WMP).
Additional conversion outputs
In addition to exporting to a file or a stream, GemBox.Presentation also supports presentation printing (PresentationDocument.Print() method) and converting to the following types:
- using the PresentationDocument.ConvertToXpsDocument(XpsSaveOptions) method and
- using the PresentationDocument.ConvertToImageSource(ImageSaveOptions) method.
These outputs are especially useful in WPF applications, by providing a means to embed a presentation in your WPF application with and controls, as shown in our GemBox.Presentation WPF examples.
The following code snippet shows how to assign a PresentationDocument instance to and controls:
// Assign a PresentationDocument instance to DocumentViewer control.
documentViewer.Document = presentation.ConvertToXpsDocument(SaveOptions.Xps).GetFixedDocumentSequence();
// Assign a PresentationDocument instance to Image control.
image.Source = presentation.ConvertToImageSource(SaveOptions.Image);
Support level for PPTX and PPT format
GemBox.Presentation supports most of PPTX and PPT features through its API, but not all. For example, GemBox.Presentation doesn't support equations and animations through its API.
By default, GemBox.Presentation will preserve the unsupported features, so you don't lose any relevant presentation content when loading and saving a presentation to PPTX format.
For more information, see Preservation documentation page and Preservation example.
Support level for PDF, XPS, and image formats
Exporting a presentation to a fixed document file format, such as PDF and XPS, and to image formats is accomplished with GemBox.Presentation internal renderer that is commonly used for all formats mentioned. This means that PDF, XPS, and image formats share the same level of support for presentation features, since they are all rendered in the same way.
The following list contains GemBox.Presentation API members that are, currently, not supported when exporting to PDF, XPS, and image formats:
- Fill and Fill properties whose FillType is Gradient (whose GradientType is not Linear), Pattern, or SlideBackground.
- LineFormat properties:
- TextBoxFormat properties:
- TextCharacterFormat properties EqualizeCharacterHeight and Kerning.
- HorizontalAlignment fields Distributed, JustifyLow, and DistributedThai.
- VerticalAlignment fields Justify and Distributed.
- TextDirection fields Stacked, StackedRightToLeft, Rotate90EastAsian, and Rotate90Mongolian.
- UnderlineStyle fields Heavy, DottedHeavy, DashHeavy, DashLong, DashLongHeavy, DotDashHeavy, DotDotDashHeavy, Wavy, WavyHeavy, and WavyDouble.
- ActionType fields HyperlinkToLastSlideViewed, HyperlinkToEndShow, HyperlinkToCustomShow, RunMacro, PlayMedia, and ObjectAction.
Support for these members will be added in future versions of GemBox.Presentation based on customer feedback.
Support for ISO-standardized versions of PDF
GemBox.Presentation supports writing to PDF/A, the ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) specialized for long-term archiving of electronic documents.
The following list contains conformance levels that are currently supported when exporting to PDF format:
- PDF/A-1a,
- PDF/A-1b,
- PDF/A-2a,
- PDF/A-2b,
- PDF/A-2u,
- PDF/A-3a,
- PDF/A-3b,
- PDF/A-3u.