DataLabelPosition Enum
Represents the possible positions for a data label.
BestFit | Specifies that data labels shall be displayed in the best position. |
Bottom | Specifies that data labels shall be displayed below the data marker. |
Center | Specifies that data labels shall be displayed centered on the data marker. |
InsideBase | Specifies that data labels shall be displayed inside the base of the data marker. |
InsideEnd | Specifies that data labels shall be displayed inside the end of the data marker. |
Left | Specifies that data labels shall be displayed to the left of the data marker. |
None | Data label is not shown. |
OutsideEnd | Specifies that data labels shall be displayed outside the end of the data marker. |
Right | Specifies that data labels shall be displayed to the right of the data marker. |
Top | Specifies that data labels shall be displayed above the data marker. |