GemBox.Spreadsheet Namespace
Contains classes, delegates and enumerations that constitute GemBox.Spreadsheet object model.
AbstractRange | Base class for classes representing one or more excel cells. |
AnchorCell | Represents an anchor cell object used in ExcelDrawingPosition type to specify from which cell and to which cell drawing (picture, chart, etc.) spans. |
AutoFilter | Represents filter settings and provides filter functionality. |
CellBorder | Represents the color and line style for the single border of a cell. |
CellBorders | Represents a single set of cell border formats (left, right, top, bottom and diagonal). |
CellRange | Cell range is a rectangular group of worksheet cells. |
CellRangeCollection | A collection of CellRange items. |
CellRangeEnumerator | Enumerator used for iterating cells in a CellRange. |
CellStyle | Represents cell formatting. |
CellStyleCollection | Represents a collection of workbook (master) Styles. |
ComHelper | Contains methods that can be useful for users which are calling GemBox.Spreadsheet component using COM interop. |
ContentTypeProperty | Represents a custom content type property. |
CopyOptions | Represents the options used when copying a cell range. |
CreateDataTableOptions | Represents options creating System.Data.DataTable and filling it with values from ExcelWorksheet. |
CsvLoadOptions | Represents options for loading from Character Separated Values file format. |
CsvSaveOptions | Represents options for saving to Character Separated Values file format. |
CustomFilter | Represents a filter that specifies one or two conditions (operators and values) and whether the two conditions are joined by 'and' or 'or'. |
DataTableCellToExcelCellConvertingEventArgs | Arguments for DataTableCellToExcelCellConverting event. |
DataValidation | A single item of data validation defined on ranges of the worksheet. |
DataValidationCollection | A collection of DataValidation items. Supported in XLSX only. |
DefinedName | Defined name class describes defined name that is not directly related with one cell range. |
DefinedNameCollection | Collection of defined names that are not directly related with one cell range. |
DigitalSignatureSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores details for signing a workbook with a digital signature. |
DocumentProperties | Contains a collection of built-in and custom document properties. |
DynamicFilter | Represents a dynamic filter criteria that can change, either with the data itself (e.g., "above average") or with the current system date (e.g., show values for "today"). |
ExcelCell | Excel cell provides access to a single worksheet cell or to a merged range if the cell is merged. |
ExcelCellCollection | Collection of excel cells (ExcelCell). |
ExcelCellToDataTableCellConvertingEventArgs | Arguments for ExcelCellToDataTableCellConverting event. |
ExcelColumn | Excel column contains column options and cell range with column cells. |
ExcelColumnCollection | Collection of excel columns (ExcelColumn). |
ExcelColumnRowBase | Base class for the excel column and row classes. |
ExcelComment | Represents a comment object used by Comment in the worksheet. |
ExcelCommentCollection | Collection of comments (ExcelComment). |
ExcelDrawing | Represents a base class for all drawings (pictures, charts, etc.) in the worksheet. |
ExcelDrawingCollection<T> | Represents a collection of ExcelDrawing (pictures, charts, etc.) in the worksheet. |
ExcelDrawingMetadata | Represents a set of non-visual properties which shall be applied to the parent ExcelDrawing. |
ExcelDrawingPosition | Represents a class which holds information about position and size of the ExcelDrawing (picture, chart, etc.) in the worksheet. |
ExcelEmbeddedObject | Represents an embedded Excel object within a spreadsheet, such as an embedded Excel workbook or chart. |
ExcelEmbeddedObjectCollection | Represents a read-only collection of ExcelEmbeddedObjects in the worksheet. |
ExcelFile | Excel file contains one or more worksheets (ExcelWorksheet) and workbook related properties and methods. |
ExcelFilePage | Represents a workbook page. |
ExcelFilePaginator | Provides functionality to paginate the workbook content. |
ExcelFileStore | Represents a collection of application-specific ExcelFile instances. |
ExcelFillPattern | Represents cell fill (background) formatting which can be either pattern or gradient. |
ExcelFont | Represents a typeface (for example, Calibri), along with its attributes (size, font style, underlining, color, and effects). |
ExcelGroupShape | Represents a drawing that groups other drawings. |
ExcelGroupShapeCollection | Represents a collection of ExcelGroupShapes in the worksheet or group. |
ExcelPicture | Represents a picture in the worksheet. |
ExcelPictureCollection | Represents a collection of ExcelPictures in the worksheet or group. |
ExcelPrintOptions | Stores MS Excel print and print related options. |
ExcelRow | Excel row contains row options and cell range with row cells. |
ExcelRowCollection | Collection of excel rows (ExcelRow). |
ExcelRowColumnCellCollectionBase | Base class for row, column and cell collections. |
ExcelRowColumnCollectionBase | Base class for row and column collections. |
ExcelRowColumnCollectionBase<T> | Generic base class for row and column collections. |
ExcelShape | Represents a drawing that has a specific shape / geometry. |
ExcelShapeCollection | Represents a collection of ExcelShapes in the worksheet or group. |
ExcelViewOptions | Stores MS Excel display and view related options. |
ExcelWorksheet | Excel worksheet is a table with additional properties, identified by a unique name. |
ExcelWorksheetCollection | Collection of worksheets (ExcelWorksheet). |
ExtendedSaveOptions | Extended save options that are not natively supported by spreadsheet formats. |
ExtractToDataTableOptions | Represents options for extracting data from ExcelWorksheet to System.Data.DataTable. |
FileFormatLimitations | Represents file format limitations when saving ExcelFile to some format. |
Filter | Represents a base class for filters contained in AutoFilter. |
FilterColumn | Represents filter and sort settings for a single filter column. |
FilterColumnCollection | Represents a collection of filter columns. |
FixedWidthColumn | Class that represents column in Fixed-Width Text format. |
FixedWidthLoadOptions | Represents options for loading from Fixed-Width Text file format. |
FixedWidthSaveOptions | Represents options for saving to Fixed-Width Text file format. |
FontFile | Represents a font file either on the disk or in the memory. |
FontFileSelectionEventArgs | Provides data for the FontSelection event. |
FontSettings | Contains font related settings which are used when printing a spreadsheet or exporting a spreadsheet to a file format that requires font information. |
FormattedCharacterRange | Represents a range of characters within the cell or comment text. |
FormattedExcelDrawing | Represents a formatted drawing (picture, chart, etc.) which can be exported to PDF, XPS, image or be printed. |
FreeLimitEventArgs | Provides data for the FreeLimitReached event. |
FreeLimitReachedException | Exception that occurs when free limit is reached. |
HeaderFooter | Represents worksheet's header or footer. |
HeaderFooterPage | Represents header/footer which should be shown on a specific worksheet page (first page, even pages and all other pages). |
HeaderFooterSection | Represents HeaderFooter section. |
HeaderFooterStyle | Header footer styles that are not natively supported by spreadsheet formats. |
HorizontalPageBreak | Specifies a horizontal position where the new page begins when the worksheet is printed. |
HorizontalPageBreakCollection | Collection of horizontal page breaks (HorizontalPageBreak). |
HtmlLoadOptions | Represents options for loading from HyperText Markup Language File (HTML) format. |
HtmlSaveOptions | Represents options for saving to HyperText Markup Language File (HTML) format. |
IgnoredError | Represents a single ignored error for a range of cells. |
IgnoredErrorCollection | Represents a collection of an ignored errors in the worksheet. |
ImageSaveOptions | Represents a class which stores saving options for image files. |
InsertDataTableOptions | Represents options for inserting data from System.Data.DataTable to ExcelWorksheet. |
LengthUnitConverter | Utility class used for converting values between various LengthUnit measurement units. |
LicenseException | Exception that occurs when licensing information is not correctly specified. |
LoadOptions | Represents a base class for loading options of various file formats. |
NamedRange | Represents a named range in the worksheet. |
NamedRangeCollection | Collection of the descriptive names which are used to represent cells, ranges of cells, formulas, or constant values. |
NumberFormatBuilder | Utility class that can be used to create a number format for NumberFormat. |
OdsLoadOptions | Represents options for loading from OpenDocument Spreadsheet file format. |
OdsSaveOptions | Represents options for saving to OpenDocument Spreadsheet file format. |
OperationProgressChangedEventArgs | Provides data for events that track the progress of an operation, such as loading and saving of a workbook. |
PageBreak | Base class for all page breaks. |
PageBreakCollection | Base class for page break collections. |
PageBreakCollection<T> | Generic base class for page break collections. |
PaginatorOptions | Represents options used to specify which part of the workbook to paginate. |
PdfDigitalSignatureSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores details for signing a workbook saved to a Portable Document Format (PDF) with a digital signature. |
PdfSaveOptions | Represents options for saving to Portable Document Format (PDF) file. |
PictureContentEffects | Represents effects that can be applied to the picture content. |
PrintOptions | Specifies information about how a spreadsheet is printed. |
ProtectedRange | Represents a range of cells to be protected. |
ProtectedRangeCollection | Represents a collection of all protected ranges on the ExcelWorksheet. |
SaveOptions | Represents a base class for saving options of various file formats. |
SheetHeaderFooter | Represents sheet header/footer. |
SortLevel | Represents sort settings for a single sort level. |
SortLevelCollection | Represents a collection of sort levels. |
SortState | Represents sort settings and provides sort functionality. |
SpreadsheetException | Represents errors that can occur in the GemBox.Spreadsheet component. |
SpreadsheetHyperlink | Hyperlink class. |
SpreadsheetHyperlinkCollection | Collection of hyperlinks (SpreadsheetHyperlink). |
SpreadsheetInfo | Contains static licensing methods and diagnostic information about executing GemBox.Spreadsheet assembly. |
Style | Represents a workbook (master) style which can be shared by multiple cells. |
Top10Filter | Represents a filter that filters by a top N (percent or number of items). |
ValuesFilter | Represents a filter that filters by a list of values. |
VerticalPageBreak | Specifies a vertical position where the new page begins when the worksheet is printed. |
VerticalPageBreakCollection | Collection of vertical page breaks (VerticalPageBreak). |
WorkbookProtection | Workbook protection settings. Supported in XLSX only. |
WorksheetPanes | Represents the worksheet panes. |
WorksheetProtection | Protection settings. Supported in XLSX, XLSB and XLS only. |
WpfHelper | Provides helper methods for dealing with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) dispatcherresource leaks in multithreaded applications. |
WriteProtection | Write protection settings. Supported in XLSX only. |
XlsbLoadOptions | Represent options for loading from XLSB file format (Microsoft Excel Binary File Format). |
XlsbSaveOptions | Represent options for saving to XLSB file format (Microsoft Excel Binary File Format). |
XlsLoadOptions | Represents options for loading from XLS file format (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet format; Excel 2003 and prior versions) . |
XlsSaveOptions | Represents options for saving to, XLS file format (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet format; Excel 2003 and prior versions) . |
XlsxDigitalSignatureSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores details for signing a workbook saved to XLSX file with a digital signature. |
XlsxLoadOptions | Represent options for loading from XLSX file format (Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet; Strict Open XML Spreadsheet; Excel 2007 and later). |
XlsxSaveOptions | Represent options for saving to XLSX file format (Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet; Excel 2007 and later). |
XmlLoadOptions | Represents options for loading from XML file format (XML Spreadsheet 2003, also called SpreadsheetML). |
XpsSaveOptions | Represents options for saving to XML Paper Specification file format. |
DateTimeGroup | Represents a group of DateTimes. Each DateTime instance that has the same date/time components (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) as this DateTime up to Level belongs to this group. Instance of DateTimeGroup can be inserted into Values collection to enable filtering DateTime values. |
SpreadsheetColor | Represents a spreadsheet color. |
SpreadsheetIcon | Represents a spreadsheet icon. |
WpfHelper.DispatcherShutdowner | Represents the Dispatcher instance associated with the current thread and provides a means to shut it down if it was IsDispatcherNewlyCreated before the current thread terminates, thus preventing the resource leak. |
BuiltInCellStyleName | Represents a built-in style name. |
BuiltInDocumentProperties | Enumeration of available built-in document properties. |
CellValueType | Represents the possible cell value types. |
ClearOptions | Specifies the clear options. |
ColorName | Represents a color name of colors available in MS Excel user interface. |
ColumnTypeResolution | Defines resolution method that determines System.Data.DataColumn.DataType. |
ConsolidationFunction | Represents a subtotal function. |
CopyTypes | Represents types of data to copy from a cell range. |
CsvQuoteMode | Possible conditions for when values in a CSV file should be quoted. |
CsvType | Formatting type for CSV files. |
DataValidationErrorStyle | The style of data validation error alert. |
DataValidationOperator | The relational operator used in data validation. |
DataValidationType | Specifies the type of data validation used to validate user input. |
DateTimeGroupLevel | Represents a level of a DateTimeGroup. |
DynamicFilterType | Represents a dynamic filter type. |
ExcelObjectSourceType | Represents an enumeration of possible sources of various objects (such as pictures, audio and other files) that can be either embedded, linked or both. |
ExcelPictureFormat | Picture formats. |
ExtractDataEventAction | Possible ways of proceeding after one of the events is fired while extracting to data table. |
ExtractDataOptions | Options specified when extracting data to System.Data.DataTable. |
FillPatternStyle | Represents the style of fill pattern being used for a cell format. Currently supported only in XLSX, XLSB and XLS. For all other formats it defaults to either None or Solid. |
FilterOperator | Operator enumerations for filtering. |
FilterType | Represents a filter type. |
FormulaType | Represents a formula type. |
FreeLimitReachedAction | Type of action that can be chosen when free limit is reached. |
GradientShadingStyle | Represents a shading style and variant of a gradient fill effect. Gradient fill is currently supported in XLSX, XLSB and partially in rendering formats (PDF, XPS, and image formats). |
HeaderFooterAlignment | Specifies the alignment of a header/footer. |
HeaderFooterFieldType | Represents types of HeaderFooterSection predefined fields. |
HorizontalAlignmentStyle | Represents available horizontal alignment options used in HorizontalAlignment member. |
HtmlType | Defines type of HTML export. |
IgnoredErrorTypes | Represents an ignored error conditions. |
ImageSaveFormat | An enumeration of supported image file formats when saving the ExcelFile to an image using a ImageSaveOptions. |
IndividualBorder | Represents single border type of a cell. |
InsertShiftDirection | Represents the possible cell insert shift directions. |
LengthUnit | Represents the measurement unit for measuring length or distance. |
LineStyle | Represents the line style of a border in a cell. |
LoadStreamingMode | Represents a mode of streamlined loading of an ExcelFile. |
MultipleBorders | Represents multiple border types of a cell. |
OleUpdateMode | Specifies the update behavior for an OLE linked object. |
PanePosition | Represents the position of the pane. |
PanesState | Represents the state of the pane. |
PaperType | Specifies the paper type. |
PdfConformanceLevel | Represents levels of conformance for PDF documents. |
PdfPermissions | Defines operations that are allowed to a user on an encrypted PDF document. |
PdfVersion | Represents the version of the PDF specification to which the PDF document conforms. |
PixelFormat | An enumeration of supported pixel formats when saving an ExcelFile to an image using an ImageSaveOptions. |
PositioningMode | Option that specify the moving and sizing behavior of the ExcelDrawing (picture, chart, etc.) in the worksheet. |
RangeIndexingMode | Indexing modes used by CellRange. |
RemoveShiftDirection | Represents the possible cell remove shift directions. |
RenderingMode | Defines the supported rendering modes. |
ScriptPosition | Defines the possible settings for vertical alignment of a text and is used in ScriptPosition member to get superscript or subscript text without altering the font size. |
SelectionType | Defines the selection which will be saved or printed. |
SheetType | Specifies the sheet type. |
SheetVisibility | Script positions used in Visibility. |
SpreadsheetIconStyle | Represents an enumeration of visually distinct icon sets. |
TextDirection | Represents available reading order options used in TextDirection member. |
TiffCompression | An enumeration of supported compression schemes for Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) when saving an ExcelFile to an image using an ImageSaveOptions. |
UnderlineStyle | Represents the different types of possible underline formatting used in UnderlineStyle member. |
VerticalAlignmentStyle | Represents available vertical alignment options used in VerticalAlignment member. |
ViewType | Specifies the view type. |
XlsxType | OpenXML file type. |