TableStyleOptions Enum
Specifies which table style conditional formats are applied to a table.
For more information about table styles, see table styles article and table styles example.
All | Apply all conditional formats. |
BandedColumns | Apply column banding conditional formatting. Column banding is a grouping of columns into two successively alternating groups (odd and even). Group size is specified by ColumnBandSize. Each group (odd and even) can have its own table style conditional formatting specified. |
BandedRows | Apply row banding conditional formatting. Row banding is a grouping of rows into two successively alternating groups (odd and even). Group size is specified by RowBandSize. Each group (odd and even) can have its own table style conditional formatting specified. |
FirstColumn | Apply first column conditional formatting. |
FirstRow | Apply first row conditional formatting. |
LastColumn | Apply last column conditional formatting. |
LastRow | Apply last row conditional formatting. |
None | Do not apply any conditional formatting. |