GemBox.Spreadsheet 4.9 v1822 Released

We have released a new version of GemBox.Spreadsheet with the following list of features, improvements, and fixes included:

  • Added support for ExcelGroupShape.
  • Fixed issue with default font in ODS writer.
  • Fixed issue with preserved embedded objects in XLSB files.
  • Fixed issue with invalid defined name reference in XLSX writer.
  • Fixed issue with incorrectly recognized shared formula.
  • Fixed issue with form control position in PDF writer.
  • Fixed issue with circular reference in XLSB writer.
  • Fixed issue with accessing CellRange.Comment and CellRange.Hyperlink on merged range.
  • Added support for DataPoint.Value, DataPoint.NumericValue, and DataPoint.Text.
  • Added support for DataPointCollection.Count.
  • Added support for ExcelDrawingCollection.BringForward, ExcelDrawingCollection.SendBackward, and ExcelDrawingCollection.MoveZIndex.
  • Added support for ExcelDrawing.ZIndex.

You can download the latest version from NuGet or from the BugFixes page.

If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions, feel free to contact us.