ColorName Enum
Represents a color name.
AliceBlue | Standard 'Alice Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0xF0F8FF, RGB = (240, 248, 255), HSL = (147, 255, 248). |
AntiqueWhite | Standard 'Antique White' color. Values: RGB = 0xFAEBD7, RGB = (250, 235, 215), HSL = (24, 198, 233). |
Aqua | Standard 'Aqua' color. Values: RGB = 0x00FFFF, RGB = (0, 255, 255), HSL = (128, 255, 128). |
Aquamarine | Standard 'Aquamarine' color. Values: RGB = 0x7FFFD4, RGB = (127, 255, 212), HSL = (113, 255, 191). |
Azure | Standard 'Azure' color. Values: RGB = 0xF0FFFF, RGB = (240, 255, 255), HSL = (128, 255, 248). |
Beige | Standard 'Beige' color. Values: RGB = 0xF5F5DC, RGB = (245, 245, 220), HSL = (43, 142, 233). |
Bisque | Standard 'Bisque' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFE4C4, RGB = (255, 228, 196), HSL = (23, 255, 226). |
Black | Standard 'Black' color. Values: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
BlanchedAlmond | Standard 'Blanched Almond' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFEBCD, RGB = (255, 235, 205), HSL = (25, 255, 230). |
Blue | Standard 'Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x0000FF, RGB = (0, 0, 255), HSL = (170, 255, 128). |
BlueViolet | Standard 'Blue Violet' color. Values: RGB = 0x8A2BE2, RGB = (138, 43, 226), HSL = (192, 194, 135). |
Brown | Standard 'Brown' color. Values: RGB = 0xA52A2A, RGB = (165, 42, 42), HSL = (0, 152, 104). |
BurlyWood | Standard 'Burly Wood' color. Values: RGB = 0xDEB887, RGB = (222, 184, 135), HSL = (24, 145, 179). |
CadetBlue | Standard 'Cadet Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x5F9EA0, RGB = (95, 158, 160), HSL = (129, 65, 128). |
Chartreuse | Standard 'Chartreuse' color. Values: RGB = 0x7FFF00, RGB = (127, 255, 0), HSL = (64, 255, 128). |
Chocolate | Standard 'Chocolate' color. Values: RGB = 0xD2691E, RGB = (210, 105, 30), HSL = (18, 191, 120). |
Coral | Standard 'Coral' color. Values: RGB = 0xFF7F50, RGB = (255, 127, 80), HSL = (11, 255, 168). |
CornflowerBlue | Standard 'Cornflower Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x6495ED, RGB = (100, 149, 237), HSL = (155, 202, 169). |
Cornsilk | Standard 'Cornsilk' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFF8DC, RGB = (255, 248, 220), HSL = (34, 255, 238). |
Crimson | Standard 'Crimson' color. Values: RGB = 0xDC143C, RGB = (220, 20, 60), HSL = (247, 213, 120). |
Custom | The 'Custom' color. |
DarkBlue | Standard 'Dark Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x00008B, RGB = (0, 0, 139), HSL = (170, 255, 70). |
DarkCyan | Standard 'Dark Cyan' color. Values: RGB = 0x008B8B, RGB = (0, 139, 139), HSL = (128, 255, 70). |
DarkGoldenrod | Standard 'Dark Goldenrod' color. Values: RGB = 0xB8860B, RGB = (184, 134, 11), HSL = (30, 226, 98). |
DarkGray | Standard 'Dark Gray' color. Values: RGB = 0xA9A9A9, RGB = (169, 169, 169), HSL = (0, 0, 169). |
DarkGreen | Standard 'Dark Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x006400, RGB = (0, 100, 0), HSL = (85, 255, 50). |
DarkKhaki | Standard 'Dark Khaki' color. Values: RGB = 0xBDB76B, RGB = (189, 183, 107), HSL = (39, 98, 148). |
DarkMagenta | Standard 'Dark Magenta' color. Values: RGB = 0x8B008B, RGB = (139, 0, 139), HSL = (213, 255, 70). |
DarkOliveGreen | Standard 'Dark Olive Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x556B2F, RGB = (85, 107, 47), HSL = (58, 99, 77). |
DarkOrange | Standard 'Dark Orange' color. Values: RGB = 0xFF8C00, RGB = (255, 140, 0), HSL = (23, 255, 128). |
DarkOrchid | Standard 'Dark Orchid' color. Values: RGB = 0x9932CC, RGB = (153, 50, 204), HSL = (198, 155, 127). |
DarkRed | Standard 'Dark Red' color. Values: RGB = 0x8B0000, RGB = (139, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 255, 70). |
DarkSalmon | Standard 'Dark Salmon' color. Values: RGB = 0xE9967A, RGB = (233, 150, 122), HSL = (11, 183, 178). |
DarkSeaGreen | Standard 'Dark Sea Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x8FBC8F, RGB = (143, 188, 143), HSL = (85, 64, 166). |
DarkSlateBlue | Standard 'Dark Slate Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x483D8B, RGB = (72, 61, 139), HSL = (176, 99, 100). |
DarkSlateGray | Standard 'Dark Slate Gray' color. Values: RGB = 0x2F4F4F, RGB = (47, 79, 79), HSL = (128, 65, 63). |
DarkTurquoise | Standard 'Dark Turquoise' color. Values: RGB = 0x00CED1, RGB = (0, 206, 209), HSL = (128, 255, 105). |
DarkViolet | Standard 'Dark Violet' color. Values: RGB = 0x9400D3, RGB = (148, 0, 211), HSL = (200, 255, 106). |
DeepPink | Standard 'Deep Pink' color. Values: RGB = 0xFF1493, RGB = (255, 20, 147), HSL = (232, 255, 138). |
DeepSkyBlue | Standard 'Deep Sky Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x00BFFF, RGB = (0, 191, 255), HSL = (138, 255, 128). |
DimGray | Standard 'Dim Gray' color. Values: RGB = 0x696969, RGB = (105, 105, 105), HSL = (0, 0, 105). |
DodgerBlue | Standard 'Dodger Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x1E90FF, RGB = (30, 144, 255), HSL = (148, 255, 143). |
Firebrick | Standard 'Firebrick' color. Values: RGB = 0xB22222, RGB = (178, 34, 34), HSL = (0, 173, 106). |
FloralWhite | Standard 'Floral White' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFFAF0, RGB = (255, 250, 240), HSL = (28, 255, 248). |
ForestGreen | Standard 'Forest Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x228B22, RGB = (34, 139, 34), HSL = (85, 155, 86). |
Gainsboro | Standard 'Gainsboro' color. Values: RGB = 0xDCDCDC, RGB = (220, 220, 220), HSL = (0, 0, 220). |
GhostWhite | Standard 'Ghost White' color. Values: RGB = 0xF8F8FF, RGB = (248, 248, 255), HSL = (170, 255, 252). |
Gold | Standard 'Gold' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFD700, RGB = (255, 215, 0), HSL = (36, 255, 128). |
Goldenrod | Standard 'Goldenrod' color. Values: RGB = 0xDAA520, RGB = (218, 165, 32), HSL = (30, 190, 125). |
Gray | Standard 'Gray' color. Values: RGB = 0x808080, RGB = (128, 128, 128), HSL = (0, 0, 128). |
Green | Standard 'Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x008000, RGB = (0, 128, 0), HSL = (85, 255, 64). |
GreenYellow | Standard 'Green Yellow' color. Values: RGB = 0xADFF2F, RGB = (173, 255, 47), HSL = (59, 255, 151). |
Honeydew | Standard 'Honeydew' color. Values: RGB = 0xF0FFF0, RGB = (240, 255, 240), HSL = (85, 255, 248). |
HotPink | Standard 'Hot Pink' color. Values: RGB = 0xFF69B4, RGB = (255, 105, 180), HSL = (234, 255, 180). |
IndianRed | Standard 'Indian Red' color. Values: RGB = 0xCD5C5C, RGB = (205, 92, 92), HSL = (0, 135, 149). |
Indigo | Standard 'Indigo' color. Values: RGB = 0x4B0082, RGB = (75, 0, 130), HSL = (195, 255, 65). |
Ivory | Standard 'Ivory' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFFFF0, RGB = (255, 255, 240), HSL = (43, 255, 248). |
Khaki | Standard 'Khaki' color. Values: RGB = 0xF0E68C, RGB = (240, 230, 140), HSL = (38, 196, 190). |
Lavender | Standard 'Lavender' color. Values: RGB = 0xE6E6FA, RGB = (230, 230, 250), HSL = (170, 170, 240). |
LavenderBlush | Standard 'Lavender Blush' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFF0F5, RGB = (255, 240, 245), HSL = (241, 255, 248). |
LawnGreen | Standard 'Lawn Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x7CFC00, RGB = (124, 252, 0), HSL = (64, 255, 126). |
LemonChiffon | Standard 'Lemon Chiffon' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFFACD, RGB = (255, 250, 205), HSL = (38, 255, 230). |
LightBlue | Standard 'Light Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0xADD8E6, RGB = (173, 216, 230), HSL = (138, 136, 202). |
LightCoral | Standard 'Light Coral' color. Values: RGB = 0xF08080, RGB = (240, 128, 128), HSL = (0, 201, 184). |
LightCyan | Standard 'Light Cyan' color. Values: RGB = 0xE0FFFF, RGB = (224, 255, 255), HSL = (128, 255, 240). |
LightGoldenrodYellow | Standard 'Light Goldenrod Yellow' color. Values: RGB = 0xFAFAD2, RGB = (250, 250, 210), HSL = (43, 204, 230). |
LightGray | Standard 'Light Gray' color. Values: RGB = 0xD3D3D3, RGB = (211, 211, 211), HSL = (0, 0, 211). |
LightGreen | Standard 'Light Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x90EE90, RGB = (144, 238, 144), HSL = (85, 187, 191). |
LightPink | Standard 'Light Pink' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFB6C1, RGB = (255, 182, 193), HSL = (249, 255, 219). |
LightSalmon | Standard 'Light Salmon' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFA07A, RGB = (255, 160, 122), HSL = (12, 255, 189). |
LightSeaGreen | Standard 'Light Sea Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x20B2AA, RGB = (32, 178, 170), HSL = (125, 177, 105). |
LightSkyBlue | Standard 'Light Sky Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x87CEFA, RGB = (135, 206, 250), HSL = (144, 235, 193). |
LightSlateGray | Standard 'Light Slate Gray' color. Values: RGB = 0x778899, RGB = (119, 136, 153), HSL = (149, 36, 136). |
LightSteelBlue | Standard 'Light Steel Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0xB0C4DE, RGB = (176, 196, 222), HSL = (152, 105, 199). |
LightYellow | Standard 'Light Yellow' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFFFE0, RGB = (255, 255, 224), HSL = (43, 255, 240). |
Lime | Standard 'Lime' color. Values: RGB = 0x00FF00, RGB = (0, 255, 0), HSL = (85, 255, 128). |
LimeGreen | Standard 'Lime Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x32CD32, RGB = (50, 205, 50), HSL = (85, 155, 128). |
Linen | Standard 'Linen' color. Values: RGB = 0xFAF0E6, RGB = (250, 240, 230), HSL = (21, 170, 240). |
Magenta | Standard 'Magenta' color. Values: RGB = 0xFF00FF, RGB = (255, 0, 255), HSL = (213, 255, 128). |
Maroon | Standard 'Maroon' color. Values: RGB = 0x800000, RGB = (128, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 255, 64). |
MediumAquamarine | Standard 'Medium Aquamarine' color. Values: RGB = 0x66CDAA, RGB = (102, 205, 170), HSL = (113, 129, 154). |
MediumBlue | Standard 'Medium Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x0000CD, RGB = (0, 0, 205), HSL = (170, 255, 103). |
MediumOrchid | Standard 'Medium Orchid' color. Values: RGB = 0xBA55D3, RGB = (186, 85, 211), HSL = (204, 150, 148). |
MediumPurple | Standard 'Medium Purple' color. Values: RGB = 0x9370DB, RGB = (147, 112, 219), HSL = (184, 152, 165). |
MediumSeaGreen | Standard 'Medium Sea Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x3CB371, RGB = (60, 179, 113), HSL = (104, 127, 120). |
MediumSlateBlue | Standard 'Medium Slate Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x7B68EE, RGB = (123, 104, 238), HSL = (176, 203, 171). |
MediumSpringGreen | Standard 'Medium Spring Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x00FA9A, RGB = (0, 250, 154), HSL = (111, 255, 125). |
MediumTurquoise | Standard 'Medium Turquoise' color. Values: RGB = 0x48D1CC, RGB = (72, 209, 204), HSL = (126, 153, 141). |
MediumVioletRed | Standard 'Medium Violet Red' color. Values: RGB = 0xC71585, RGB = (199, 21, 133), HSL = (228, 206, 110). |
MidnightBlue | Standard 'Midnight Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x191970, RGB = (25, 25, 112), HSL = (170, 162, 69). |
MintCream | Standard 'Mint Cream' color. Values: RGB = 0xF5FFFA, RGB = (245, 255, 250), HSL = (106, 255, 250). |
MistyRose | Standard 'Misty Rose' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFE4E1, RGB = (255, 228, 225), HSL = (4, 255, 240). |
Moccasin | Standard 'Moccasin' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFE4B5, RGB = (255, 228, 181), HSL = (27, 255, 218). |
NavajoWhite | Standard 'Navajo White' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFDEAD, RGB = (255, 222, 173), HSL = (25, 255, 214). |
Navy | Standard 'Navy' color. Values: RGB = 0x000080, RGB = (0, 0, 128), HSL = (170, 255, 64). |
None | The 'Empty' color. |
OldLace | Standard 'Old Lace' color. Values: RGB = 0xFDF5E6, RGB = (253, 245, 230), HSL = (28, 217, 242). |
Olive | Standard 'Olive' color. Values: RGB = 0x808000, RGB = (128, 128, 0), HSL = (43, 255, 64). |
OliveDrab | Standard 'Olive Drab' color. Values: RGB = 0x6B8E23, RGB = (107, 142, 35), HSL = (56, 154, 89). |
Orange | Standard 'Orange' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFA500, RGB = (255, 165, 0), HSL = (28, 255, 128). |
OrangeRed | Standard 'Orange Red' color. Values: RGB = 0xFF4500, RGB = (255, 69, 0), HSL = (12, 255, 128). |
Orchid | Standard 'Orchid' color. Values: RGB = 0xDA70D6, RGB = (218, 112, 214), HSL = (214, 150, 165). |
PaleGoldenrod | Standard 'Pale Goldenrod' color. Values: RGB = 0xEEE8AA, RGB = (238, 232, 170), HSL = (39, 170, 204). |
PaleGreen | Standard 'Pale Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x98FB98, RGB = (152, 251, 152), HSL = (85, 236, 202). |
PaleTurquoise | Standard 'Pale Turquoise' color. Values: RGB = 0xAFEEEE, RGB = (175, 238, 238), HSL = (128, 166, 207). |
PaleVioletRed | Standard 'Pale Violet Red' color. Values: RGB = 0xDB7093, RGB = (219, 112, 147), HSL = (241, 152, 165). |
PapayaWhip | Standard 'Papaya Whip' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFEFD5, RGB = (255, 239, 213), HSL = (26, 255, 234). |
PeachPuff | Standard 'Peach Puff' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFDAB9, RGB = (255, 218, 185), HSL = (20, 255, 220). |
Peru | Standard 'Peru' color. Values: RGB = 0xCD853F, RGB = (205, 133, 63), HSL = (21, 150, 134). |
Pink | Standard 'Pink' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFC0CB, RGB = (255, 192, 203), HSL = (248, 255, 224). |
Plum | Standard 'Plum' color. Values: RGB = 0xDDA0DD, RGB = (221, 160, 221), HSL = (213, 121, 191). |
PowderBlue | Standard 'Powder Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0xB0E0E6, RGB = (176, 224, 230), HSL = (132, 132, 203). |
Purple | Standard 'Purple' color. Values: RGB = 0x800080, RGB = (128, 0, 128), HSL = (213, 255, 64). |
Red | Standard 'Red' color. Values: RGB = 0xFF0000, RGB = (255, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 255, 128). |
RosyBrown | Standard 'Rosy Brown' color. Values: RGB = 0xBC8F8F, RGB = (188, 143, 143), HSL = (0, 64, 166). |
RoyalBlue | Standard 'Royal Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x4169E1, RGB = (65, 105, 225), HSL = (159, 185, 145). |
SaddleBrown | Standard 'Saddle Brown' color. Values: RGB = 0x8B4513, RGB = (139, 69, 19), HSL = (18, 194, 79). |
Salmon | Standard 'Salmon' color. Values: RGB = 0xFA8072, RGB = (250, 128, 114), HSL = (4, 238, 182). |
SandyBrown | Standard 'Sandy Brown' color. Values: RGB = 0xF4A460, RGB = (244, 164, 96), HSL = (20, 222, 170). |
SeaGreen | Standard 'Sea Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x2E8B57, RGB = (46, 139, 87), HSL = (104, 128, 93). |
SeaShell | Standard 'Sea Shell' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFF5EE, RGB = (255, 245, 238), HSL = (18, 255, 247). |
Sienna | Standard 'Sienna' color. Values: RGB = 0xA0522D, RGB = (160, 82, 45), HSL = (14, 143, 103). |
Silver | Standard 'Silver' color. Values: RGB = 0xC0C0C0, RGB = (192, 192, 192), HSL = (0, 0, 192). |
SkyBlue | Standard 'Sky Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x87CEEB, RGB = (135, 206, 235), HSL = (140, 182, 185). |
SlateBlue | Standard 'Slate Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x6A5ACD, RGB = (106, 90, 205), HSL = (176, 136, 148). |
SlateGray | Standard 'Slate Gray' color. Values: RGB = 0x708090, RGB = (112, 128, 144), HSL = (149, 32, 128). |
Snow | Standard 'Snow' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFFAFA, RGB = (255, 250, 250), HSL = (0, 255, 253). |
SpringGreen | Standard 'Spring Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x00FF7F, RGB = (0, 255, 127), HSL = (106, 255, 128). |
SteelBlue | Standard 'Steel Blue' color. Values: RGB = 0x4682B4, RGB = (70, 130, 180), HSL = (147, 112, 125). |
System3DDark | System '3D Dark' color. Specifies a Dark shadow color for three-dimensional display elements. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x696969, RGB = (105, 105, 105), HSL = (0, 0, 105). |
System3DLight | System '3D Light' color. Specifies a Light color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source). Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xE3E3E3, RGB = (227, 227, 227), HSL = (0, 0, 227). |
SystemActiveBorder | System 'Active Border' color. Specifies an Active Window Border Color. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xB4B4B4, RGB = (180, 180, 180), HSL = (0, 0, 180). |
SystemActiveCaption | System 'Active Caption' color. Specifies the active window title bar color. In particular the left side color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar if the gradient effect is enabled. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x99B4D1, RGB = (153, 180, 209), HSL = (150, 96, 181). |
SystemApplicationWorkspace | System 'Application Workspace' color. Specifies the Background color of multiple document interface (MDI) applications. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xABABAB, RGB = (171, 171, 171), HSL = (0, 0, 171). |
SystemBackground | System 'Background' color. Specifies the desktop background color. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
SystemButtonFace | System 'Button Face' color. Specifies the face color for three-dimensional display elements and for dialog box backgrounds. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xF0F0F0, RGB = (240, 240, 240), HSL = (0, 0, 240). |
SystemButtonHighlight | System 'Button Highlight' color. Specifies the highlight color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source). Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xFFFFFF, RGB = (255, 255, 255), HSL = (0, 0, 255). |
SystemButtonShadow | System 'Button Shadow' color. Specifies the shadow color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing away from the light source). Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xA0A0A0, RGB = (160, 160, 160), HSL = (0, 0, 160). |
SystemButtonText | System 'Button Text' color. Specifies the color of text on push buttons. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
SystemCaptionText | System 'Caption Text' color. Specifies the color of text in the caption, size box, and scroll bar arrow box. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
SystemGradientActiveCaption | System 'Gradient Active Caption' color. Specifies the right side color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xB9D1EA, RGB = (185, 209, 234), HSL = (149, 137, 210). |
SystemGradientInactiveCaption | System 'Gradient Inactive Caption' color. Specifies the right side color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xD7E4F2, RGB = (215, 228, 242), HSL = (150, 130, 228). |
SystemGrayText | System 'Gray Text' color. Specifies a grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to 0 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x6D6D6D, RGB = (109, 109, 109), HSL = (0, 0, 109). |
SystemHighlight | System 'Highlight' color. Specifies the color of Item(s) selected in a control. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x3399FF, RGB = (51, 153, 255), HSL = (149, 255, 153). |
SystemHighlightText | System 'Highlight Text' color. Specifies the text color of item(s) selected in a control. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xFFFFFF, RGB = (255, 255, 255), HSL = (0, 0, 255). |
SystemHotLight | System 'Hot Light' color. Specifies the color for a hyperlink or hot-tracked item. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x0066CC, RGB = (0, 102, 204), HSL = (149, 255, 102). |
SystemInactiveBorder | System 'Inactive Border' color. Specifies the color of the Inactive window border. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xF4F7FC, RGB = (244, 247, 252), HSL = (154, 146, 248). |
SystemInactiveCaption | System 'Inactive Caption' color. Specifies the color of the Inactive window caption. Specifies the left side color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar if the gradient effect is enabled. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xBFCDDB, RGB = (191, 205, 219), HSL = (149, 71, 205). |
SystemInactiveCaptionText | System 'Inactive Caption Text' color. Specifies the color of text in an inactive caption. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x434E54, RGB = (67, 78, 84), HSL = (142, 29, 76). |
SystemInfoBack | System 'Info Back' color. Specifies the background color for tooltip controls. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xFFFFE1, RGB = (255, 255, 225), HSL = (43, 255, 240). |
SystemInfoText | System 'Info Text' color. Specifies the text color for tooltip controls. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
SystemMenu | System 'Menu' color. Specifies the menu background color. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xF0F0F0, RGB = (240, 240, 240), HSL = (0, 0, 240). |
SystemMenuBar | System 'Menu Bar' color. Specifies the background color for the menu bar when menus appear as flat menus. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xF0F0F0, RGB = (240, 240, 240), HSL = (0, 0, 240). |
SystemMenuHighlight | System 'Menu Highlight' color. Specifies the color used to highlight menu items when the menu appears as a flat menu. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x3399FF, RGB = (51, 153, 255), HSL = (149, 255, 153). |
SystemMenuText | System 'Menu Text' color. Specifies the color of Text in menus. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
SystemScrollBar | System 'Scroll Bar' color. Specifies the scroll bar gray area color. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xC8C8C8, RGB = (200, 200, 200), HSL = (0, 0, 200). |
SystemWindow | System 'Window' color. Specifies window background color. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0xFFFFFF, RGB = (255, 255, 255), HSL = (0, 0, 255). |
SystemWindowFrame | System 'Window Frame' color. Specifies the window frame color. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x646464, RGB = (100, 100, 100), HSL = (0, 0, 100). |
SystemWindowText | System 'Window Text' color. Specifies the color of text in windows. Default Windows system values: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
Tan | Standard 'Tan' color. Values: RGB = 0xD2B48C, RGB = (210, 180, 140), HSL = (24, 112, 175). |
Teal | Standard 'Teal' color. Values: RGB = 0x008080, RGB = (0, 128, 128), HSL = (128, 255, 64). |
ThemeAccent1 | Theme 'Accent 1' color. Extra theme color 1. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x4F81BD, RGB = (79, 129, 189), HSL = (151, 116, 134). |
ThemeAccent2 | Theme 'Accent 2' color. Extra theme color 2. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0xC0504D, RGB = (192, 80, 77), HSL = (1, 122, 135). |
ThemeAccent3 | Theme 'Accent 3' color. Extra theme color 3. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x9BBB59, RGB = (155, 187, 89), HSL = (56, 107, 138). |
ThemeAccent4 | Theme 'Accent 4' color. Extra theme color 4. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x8064A2, RGB = (128, 100, 162), HSL = (189, 64, 131). |
ThemeAccent5 | Theme 'Accent 5' color. Extra theme color 5. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x4BACC6, RGB = (75, 172, 198), HSL = (136, 132, 137). |
ThemeAccent6 | Theme 'Accent 6' color. Extra theme color 6. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0xF79646, RGB = (247, 150, 70), HSL = (19, 234, 159). |
ThemeBackground1 | Theme 'Background 1' color. Semantic background color. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0xFFFFFF, RGB = (255, 255, 255), HSL = (0, 0, 255). |
ThemeBackground2 | Theme 'Background 2' color. Semantic additional background color. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0xEEECE1, RGB = (238, 236, 225), HSL = (36, 71, 232). |
ThemeDark1 | Theme 'Dark 1' color. Main dark color 1. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
ThemeDark2 | Theme 'Dark 2' color. Main dark color 2. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x1F497D, RGB = (31, 73, 125), HSL = (151, 154, 78). |
ThemeFollowedHyperlink | Theme 'Followed Hyperlink' color. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x800080, RGB = (128, 0, 128), HSL = (213, 255, 64). |
ThemeHyperlink | Theme 'Hyperlink' color. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x0000FF, RGB = (0, 0, 255), HSL = (170, 255, 128). |
ThemeLight1 | Theme 'Light 1' color. Main light color 1. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0xFFFFFF, RGB = (255, 255, 255), HSL = (0, 0, 255). |
ThemeLight2 | Theme 'Light 2' color. Main light color 2. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0xEEECE1, RGB = (238, 236, 225), HSL = (36, 71, 232). |
ThemeStyle | Theme 'Style' color. A color used in theme definitions which means to use the color of the style. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
ThemeText1 | Theme 'Text 1' color. Semantic text color. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
ThemeText2 | Theme 'Text 2' color. Semantic additional text color. Default Office theme values depend on the Office version, in Office 2010: RGB = 0x1F497D, RGB = (31, 73, 125), HSL = (151, 154, 78). |
Thistle | Standard 'Thistle' color. Values: RGB = 0xD8BFD8, RGB = (216, 191, 216), HSL = (213, 62, 204). |
Tomato | Standard 'Tomato' color. Values: RGB = 0xFF6347, RGB = (255, 99, 71), HSL = (6, 255, 163). |
Transparent | The 'Transparent' color. Values: RGB = 0x000000, RGB = (0, 0, 0), HSL = (0, 0, 0). |
Turquoise | Standard 'Turquoise' color. Values: RGB = 0x40E0D0, RGB = (64, 224, 208), HSL = (123, 184, 144). |
Violet | Standard 'Violet' color. Values: RGB = 0xEE82EE, RGB = (238, 130, 238), HSL = (213, 194, 184). |
Wheat | Standard 'Wheat' color. Values: RGB = 0xF5DEB3, RGB = (245, 222, 179), HSL = (28, 196, 212). |
White | Standard 'White' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFFFFF, RGB = (255, 255, 255), HSL = (0, 0, 255). |
WhiteSmoke | Standard 'White Smoke' color. Values: RGB = 0xF5F5F5, RGB = (245, 245, 245), HSL = (0, 0, 245). |
Yellow | Standard 'Yellow' color. Values: RGB = 0xFFFF00, RGB = (255, 255, 0), HSL = (43, 255, 128). |
YellowGreen | Standard 'Yellow Green' color. Values: RGB = 0x9ACD32, RGB = (154, 205, 50), HSL = (56, 155, 128). |