GemBox.Presentation Namespace
Contains classes, structures and enumerations that constitute the GemBox.Presentation object model.
Action | Represents a type that specifies what should happen when the user clicks on a drawing or a text or hovers over a drawing or a text with a pointing device such as a computer mouse. |
ActionSettings | Represents a type that contains click and hover actions for a specific drawing or text. |
AnimatableSlide | Represents a base type for all slide types that can be animated. |
BuiltInDocumentPropertiesDictionary | Represents a dictionary that contains BuiltInDocumentProperty key and System.String value pairs. |
Chart | Represents a chart. |
CloneContext | A context used when cloning objects to maintain object reference mapping or to change a behavior of a cloning process. |
Collection | Represents a base non-generic type for all collection types in the GemBox.Presentation assembly. |
Collection<T> | Represents a base type for all collection types in the GemBox.Presentation assembly. |
ComHelper | Contains methods that can be useful for users which are calling GemBox.Presentation component using COM interop. |
Comment | Represents a single comment attached to a slide. It contains the text of the comment, its position on the slide, and attributes referring to its author and date. |
CommentAuthor | Represents a single author with comments in the presentation. |
CommentCollection | Represents a collection of Comments that are contained on a particular Slide. |
CommonSlideViewProperties | Represents common slide view properties. |
ComponentInfo | Contains static licensing methods and diagnostic information about executing GemBox.Presentation assembly. |
Connection | Represents the connection that should be made by the corresponding connector shape. This connects the head or the tail of the connector to some other drawing. |
Connector | Represents a drawing that is used to connect two other Drawings on the same slide surface. |
Content | Represents an arbitrary content that is either embedded in or linked to the presentation file. |
CustomDocumentPropertiesDictionary | Represents a dictionary that contains System.String key and System.Object value pairs. |
CustomerDataCollection | Represents a collection of customer data. |
CustomSlideShow | Represents a slide sequence that allows for the displaying of the slides within the presentation in any arbitrary order. |
CustomSlideShowCollection | Represents a collection of custom shows that are available within the presentation. |
CustomXmlPart | Represents a custom XML part within a document that contains arbitrary custom XML markup. |
CustomXmlPartCollection | Represents a collection of CustomXmlParts. |
DigitalSignatureSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores details for signing a presentation with a digital signature. |
DocumentProperties | Contains a dictionaries of built-in and custom document properties. |
DocumentPropertiesDictionary<TKey, TValue> | This class is used as a base class for BuiltInDocumentPropertiesDictionary and CustomDocumentPropertiesDictionary classes. |
Drawing | Represents a base type for all drawings. |
DrawingAlternativeText | Represents an alternative, text-based representation of the information contained in tables, diagrams, images, and other drawings. |
DrawingCollection | Represents a collection of Drawings. |
DrawingLayout | Represents location, size and transformations (flipping and rotation) of the bounding box enclosing the drawing. |
DrawingPlaceholder | Represents a type that specifies that the corresponding drawing should be represented by the generating application as a placeholder. |
FillFormat | Represents a base class for fills such as solid, gradient, picture, pattern, etc. that can be applied to various objects, such as shapes, text characters, table cells and their outlines, borders and underlines. |
FontFile | Represents a font file either on the disk or in the memory. |
FontFileSelectionEventArgs | Provides data for the FontSelection event. |
FontSettings | Contains font related settings which are used when printing, importing or exporting a presentation to a file format that requires font information. |
FormattedVisualDrawing | Represents a formatted VisualDrawing that can be exported to PDF, XPS, image, or be printed. |
FreeLimitEventArgs | Provides data for the FreeLimitReached event. |
FreeLimitReachedException | Exception that occurs when free limit is reached. |
GeometryGuideCollection | Represents a collection of GeometryGuides that govern the geometry. |
GeometryShape | Represents a shape that is outlined and/or filled in locations specified by the geometric primitives such as lines, arcs and Bézier curves. |
GradientFillFormat | Represents a fill with a smooth gradual transition of colors at the specified locations that either follows a line or a path. |
GradientStopCollection | Represents a collection of gradient stops in a gradient fill. |
GraphicFrame | Represents a drawing that contains graphic content that needs a container (frame) to be displayed on the slide surface. |
GroupShape | Represents a drawing that groups other drawings on the same slide surface. |
HeaderFooter | Represents a header and a footer of a MasterSlide or a LayoutSlide. |
HtmlLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for HTML content for presentation |
ImageSaveOptions | Represents a class which stores saving options for image files. |
LayoutSlide | Represents a layout slide that, in essence, is a template slide whose design can be applied to any existing slide. |
LayoutSlideCollection | Represents a collection of layout slides grouped under a specific master slide. |
LicenseException | Exception that occurs when licensing information is not correctly specified. |
LineFormat | Represents an outline style that can be applied to a number of different objects such as shapes and text. The line allows for the specifying of many different types of outlines including even line dashes and bevels. |
LoadOptions | Represents a base class for loading options of various file formats. |
MasterNotesSlide | Represents a master notes slide - a template for all the NotesSlides in the presentation. |
MasterSlide | Represents a master slide - a root element in the hierarchy of a slide template chain. |
MasterSlideCollection | Represents a collection of master slides contained in the presentation. |
ModifyProtection | Represents the modification protection options for the PresentationDocument. Supported only in PPTX format. |
NotesSlide | Represents a notes slide associated with a Slide. |
OleObject | Represents an OLE object or control within a presentation. |
PaginatorOptions | Represents options used to specify which parts of the presentation to update while paginating it. |
PatternFillFormat | Represents a fill with a repeated pattern of foreground and background color. |
PdfDigitalSignatureSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores details for signing a document saved to a Portable Document Format (PDF) with a digital signature. |
PdfSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores saving options for Portable Document Format (PDF) file. |
Picture | Represents a drawing visualizes a picture on the slide surface. |
PictureContent | Represents a picture that has an associated content that is either embedded in or linked to the presentation file. |
PictureContentEffects | Represents effects that can be applied to the picture content. |
PictureFillFormat | Represents a fill with a picture that can either be tiled (as a texture) or stretched to fill the available area. This fill is not supported for outlines, borders and underlines. |
PptLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation (PPT) format. |
PptxDigitalSignatureSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores details for signing a workbook saved to PPTX file with a digital signature. |
PptxLoadOptions | Represents a class that stores loading options for PowerPoint Presentation (PPTX) format. |
PptxSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores saving options for PowerPoint Presentation file. |
PresentationDocument | Represents a presentation. This is the root object in the GemBox.Presentation object model. |
PresentationDocumentPage | Represents a presentation page. |
PresentationDocumentPaginator | Provides functionality to paginate the presentation content. |
PrintOptions | Specifies information about how a presentation is printed. |
SaveOptions | Represents a base class for saving options of various file formats. |
Section | Represents a section in the presentation. |
SectionCollection | Represents a collection of sections in the presentation. |
Shape | Represents a drawing that has a specific shape / geometry and, potentially, a text content. |
ShapeFormat | Represents a group of formatting options, such as fill, outline, effects, etc. that can be applied to various objects, such as shapes, text characters, tables, etc. |
ShapeGeometry | Represents a shape's geometry. |
Slide | Represents a presentation slide. |
SlideBackground | Represents a slide background. |
SlideCollection | Represents a collection of slides contained in the presentation. |
SlideObject | Represents a base type for all slide types, such as MasterSlide, LayoutSlide, Slide and NotesSlide. |
SlideObjectCollection<TSlide> | Represents a base type for all collections that contain SlideObject derived instances, such as MasterSlideCollection, LayoutSlideCollection and SlideCollection. |
SlideShowSettings | Represents a type within which all presentation-wide slide show properties are contained. |
SlideShowTransition | Represents a slide transition. |
SlideSize | Represents slide size settings. |
SolidFillFormat | Represents a fill containing of a single color spread uniformly across the entire area. |
TabStopCollection | Represents a collection of custom tab stops that are to be used within a TextParagraph. This collection is sorted based on Position property. |
TextBox | Represents a text content and formatting associated with an object such as a Shape or a TableCell. |
TextBoxFormat | Represents a set of formatting properties that can be applied to a TextBox. |
TextCharacterFormat | Represents a set of formatting properties that can be applied to a TextElement. |
TextElement | Represents a base class for text elements such as runs, fields, line breaks and unknown text elements. |
TextElementCollection | Represents a collection of TextElements. |
TextField | Represents a text field which contains generated text that the application should update periodically. |
TextLineBreak | Represents a vertical line break. |
TextListFormat | Represents a set of formatting properties related to bulleted or numbered lists that can be applied to a TextParagraph. |
TextParagraph | Represents a paragraph of text. |
TextParagraphCollection | Represents a collection of TextParagraphs. |
TextParagraphFormat | Represents a set of formatting properties that can be applied to a TextParagraph. |
TextPosition | Represents a position within a PresentationDocument. |
TextRange | Represents a contiguous area in a presentation between two TextPositions. |
TextRun | Represents a run of text. |
TextUnknown | Represents a text element that is not recognized by the GemBox.Presentation component. |
UnknownDrawing | Represents a drawing that is not recognized by the GemBox.Presentation component. |
ViewProperties | Represents presentation-wide view properties. |
VisualDrawing | Represents a base type for all drawings that have a visual appearance in a specific position and of a specific size. |
VisualShape | Represents a base type for geometric and group shapes. |
WpfHelper | Provides helper methods for dealing with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) dispatcherresource leaks in multithreaded applications. |
XpsSaveOptions | Represents a class that stores saving options for XML Paper Specification (XPS) file. |
Color | Represents a color. |
GeometryGuide | Represents a geometry guide that is used to govern the geometry of a GeometryShape. |
GradientStop | Represents a single gradient stop in a gradient fill. |
Length | Represents a length, distance or a coordinate. |
LineArrow | Represents decorations which can be added to either the head or the tail of a line. |
RelativeRectangle | Specifies the relative rectangle. |
TabStop | Represents a custom tab stop to be used on a line of text when there are one or more tab characters present within the text. |
TextSpacing | Represents inter-paragraph and inter-line spacing specified either in percentages of the text size or as an absolute value. |
WpfHelper.DispatcherShutdowner | Represents the Dispatcher instance associated with the current thread and provides a means to shut it down if it was IsDispatcherNewlyCreated before the current thread terminates, thus preventing the resource leak. |
ActionType | Represents actions that could happen when the user clicks on a drawing or hovers over a drawing with a pointing device such as a computer mouse. |
BuiltInDocumentProperty | Enumeration of available built-in document properties. |
CapsType | Represents a text caps (capitalization) type. |
ChartGrouping | Represents the grouping of a chart series for each category in a chart. |
ChartType | Represents a chart type. |
ColorName | Represents a color name. |
DateTimeFormat | Represents the format for the automatically updated date and time. |
DrawingLocks | Represents a locking settings for a drawing that inform the application about specific drawing properties that have been previously locked and thus should not be changed by the user when viewing a drawing in an application. |
DrawingType | Represents a drawing type enumeration. |
FillFormatType | Represents the fill type that can be applied to various objects, such as shapes, text characters, table cells and their outlines, borders and underlines. |
FreeLimitReachedAction | Type of action that can be chosen when free limit is reached. |
GradientFillType | Represents a type of gradient fill. |
HorizontalAlignment | Represents an enumeration of available horizontal alignments for text. |
ImageSaveFormat | An enumeration of supported image file formats when saving a presentation's slide to an image using a ImageSaveOptions. |
LengthUnit | Represents a unit of measurement for Length. |
LineArrowSize | Represents the width and the length of the line end decoration (e.g., arrowhead) relative to the width of the line itself. |
LineArrowType | Represents the shape decoration that appears at the ends of lines. |
LineCapType | Represents values that specify how to cap the ends of lines. |
LineCompoundType | Represents the compound line type that is to be used for lines with text such as underlines. |
LineDashType | Represents the line dash type. |
LineJoinType | Represents values that specify how the adjacent lines are joined. |
ListBulletType | Represents a bullet character used in a TextParagraph that is part of a Bullet list. |
ListNumberType | Represents an automatic numbering scheme used in a TextParagraph that is part of a Number list. |
ListType | Represents a list type of a bulleted or numbered TextParagraph. |
OleUpdateMode | Specifies the update behavior for an OLE linked object. |
Orientation | Represents a page layout orientation. |
PatternFillType | Represents a type of pattern fill. |
PdfConformanceLevel | Represents levels of conformance for PDF documents. |
PdfPermissions | Defines operations that are allowed to a user on an encrypted PDF document. |
PdfVersion | Represents the version of the PDF specification to which the PDF document conforms. |
PictureCompressionType | Specifies the amount of compression that has been used for a particular binary large image or picture (blip). |
PictureContentType | Represents a picture file format. |
PictureFormat | Picture formats. |
PixelFormat | An enumeration of supported pixel formats when saving a PresentationDocument to an image using an ImageSaveOptions. |
PlaceholderType | Represents the content type a placeholder should contain. |
PowerPointPresentationType | Represents a PowerPoint Presentation type. |
RectangleAlignment | Indicates how to position two rectangles relative to each other. |
RenderingMode | Defines the supported rendering modes. |
ShapeGeometryType | Represents a shape's geometry type. |
SlideLayoutType | Represents an arrangement of content on a slide. |
SlideShowAdvanceMode | Represents an enumeration that specifies how to advance slides when presenting. |
SlideShowRangeType | Represents the type of the slide show range. |
SlideShowType | Represents the type of slide show. |
SlideSizeType | Represents the types of slide size that the slide should be optimized for. |
StrikethroughType | Represents a text strikethrough type. |
TabStopAlignment | Represents an enumeration of available alignments for tab stops. |
TextAutoFit | Represents an enumeration of available text fitting options. |
TextDirection | Represents an enumeration of available text directions. |
TextElementType | Represents a text element type enumeration. |
TextFieldType | Represents the type of text that should be used to update TextField. |
TiffCompression | An enumeration of supported compression schemes for Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) when saving a PresentationDocument to an image using an ImageSaveOptions. |
TileMirrorTypes | Indicates whether/how to flip the contents of a tile region when using it to fill a larger fill region. |
TransitionEffect | Represents a change to a variation of the selected transition. Variations let you change properties of a transition effect, such as its direction. |
TransitionSpeed | Represents the allowed transition speeds for transitioning from the current slide to the next. |
TransitionType | Represents types of slide transitions. |
UnderlineStyle | Represents a text underline style. |
VerticalAlignment | Represents an enumeration of available vertical alignments for text. |