SlideLayoutType Enum
Represents an arrangement of content on a slide.
Each layout type is not tied to an exact positioning of placeholders, but rather provides a higher-level description of the type of content and positioning of placeholders.
Blank | Blank. |
Chart | Title and chart. |
ChartAndText | Title, chart on left and text on right. |
ClipArtAndText | Title, clipart on left, text on right. |
ClipArtAndVerticalText | Title, clip art on left, vertical text on right. |
Custom | Custom layout defined by user. |
Diagram | Title and diagram. |
FourObjects | Title and four objects. |
MediaAndText | Title, media on left, text on right. |
Object | Object only. |
ObjectAndText | Title, object on left, text on right. |
ObjectAndTwoObjects | Title, one object on left, two objects on right. |
ObjectOverText | Title, object on top, text on bottom. |
PictureAndCaption | Title, picture, and caption text. |
SectionHeader | Section header title and subtitle text. |
Table | Title and table. |
Text | Title and text. |
TextAndChart | Title, text on left and chart on right. |
TextAndClipArt | Title, text on left, clip art on right. |
TextAndMedia | Title, text on left, media on right. |
TextAndObject | Title, text on left, object on right. |
TextAndTwoObjects | Title, text on left, two objects on right. |
TextOverObject | Title, text on top, object on bottom. |
Title | Title layout with centered title and subtitle placeholders. |
TitleAndObject | Title and object. |
TitleObjectAndCaption | Title, object and caption text. |
TitleOnly | Title only. |
TwoColumnText | Title, text on left, text on right. |
TwoObjects | Title, object on left, object on right. |
TwoObjectsAndObject | Title, two objects on left, one object on right. |
TwoObjectsAndText | Title, two objects on left, text on right. |
TwoObjectsOverText | Title, two objects on top, text on bottom. |
TwoTextAndTwoObjects | Title, two objects each with text. |
VerticalText | Title and vertical text body. |
VerticalTitleAndText | Vertical title on right, vertical text on left. |
VerticalTitleAndTextOverChart | Vertical title on right, vertical text on top, chart on bottom. |