DrawingLocks Enum
Represents a locking settings for a drawing that inform the application about specific drawing properties that have been previously locked and thus should not be changed by the user when viewing a drawing in an application.
AdjustHandles | The application should not allow changing the adjust handles of the current geometrical shape - the user cannot adjust the shape by sliding its adjust handle points. Applicable to GeometryShape derived types (Shape, Connector and Picture). PowerPoint application supports changing the adjust handles only for Shape and Picture. |
Arrowheads | The application should not allow changing the arrowheads of the current geometrical shape - the user cannot change the shape's arrowhead settings. Applicable to GeometryShape derived types (Shape, Connector and Picture). PowerPoint application supports changing the arrowheads only for Connector. |
AspectRatio | The application should not allow changing the aspect ratio of the current drawing - the user cannot change the drawing's width and height independently. |
Cropping | The application should not allow cropping the current picture - the user cannot change the visible part of the picture. Applicable to Picture. |
DescendantSelection | The application should not allow selection of objects within the current graphic frame (such as chart, diagram or table parts) but allow the selection of graphic frame itself - the user cannot select the elements of the current graphic frame (such as diagram nodes or table cells), but can select the graphic frame itself. Applicable to GraphicFrame. |
Grouping | The application should not allow grouping of the current drawing - the user cannot combine the drawing with other drawings to form a GroupShape. |
None | The application should allow any action on the current drawing - the user can change any drawing property. |
Position | The application should not allow changing the position of the current drawing - the user cannot move the drawing. |
Rotation | The application should not allow changing the rotation of the current geometrical shape - the user cannot rotate the shape. Applicable to VisualShape derived types (GroupShape, Shape, Connector and Picture). |
Selection | The application should not allow selection of the current drawing - the user cannot select the drawing nor picture, shape or text attached to the drawing. |
ShapePoints | The application should not allow changing the shape points of the current geometrical shape - the user cannot edit points of the shape. Applicable to GeometryShape derived types (Shape, Connector and Picture). PowerPoint application supports changing the shape points only for Shape and Picture. |
ShapeType | The application should not allow changing the type (geometry) of the current geometrical shape - the user cannot change the shape's type (geometry). Applicable to GeometryShape derived types (Shape, Connector and Picture). PowerPoint application supports changing the shape type (geometry) only for Shape and Picture. |
Size | The application should not allow changing the size of the current drawing - the user cannot resize the drawing. |
Text | The application should not allow changing the text of the current shape - the user cannot edit the shape's text. Applicable to Shape. |
Ungrouping | The application should not allow ungrouping of the current group shape - the user cannot ungroup the current group shape. Applicable to GroupShape. |