TextDirection Enum
Represents an enumeration of available text directions.
Horizontal | Horizontal text. |
Rotate270 | Text is vertical orientation (each line is 270 degrees rotated clockwise, so it goes from bottom to top; each next line is to the right from the previous one). |
Rotate90 | Text is vertical orientation (each line is 90 degrees rotated clockwise, so it goes from top to bottom; each next line is to the left from the previous one). |
Rotate90EastAsian | A special version of Rotate90, where some fonts are displayed as if rotated by 90 degrees while some fonts (mostly East Asian) are displayed vertical. This value is currently not supported in PDF, XPS, and image formats and Rotate90 value is exported instead. |
Rotate90Mongolian | A special version of Rotate90, where some fonts are displayed as if rotated by 90 degrees while some fonts (mostly East Asian) are displayed vertical. The difference between this and the Rotate90EastAsian is the text flows top down then LEFT RIGHT, instead of RIGHT LEFT. This value is currently not supported in PDF, XPS, and image formats and Rotate90 value is exported instead. |
Stacked | Text is vertical (one letter on top of another). This value is currently not supported in PDF, XPS, and image formats and Rotate90 value is exported instead. |
StackedRightToLeft | Text is vertical (one letter on top of another) as for Stacked but should be shown from right to left rather than left to right. This value is currently not supported in PDF, XPS, and image formats and Rotate90 value is exported instead. |